2008 Movies

Passed the Door of Darkness

Mark Colson… Murphy MacCasey

Kathryn Avery Hansen… Laura McCasey

Matthew Prater… Chris Malloy

James M. Connor… Stephens

Brice Harris… Officer Shovinski

Andrew Kelsey… Oliver Haley Lewis
rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Greg Aronowitz… Jeremy
Marco Belts… Bob Hannah

Jenny Bursch… Woman at Bar

Myra Cheney… Bar Patron
Adele Colson… Young Lara MacCasey
Janet Colson… Mrs. MacCasey

Christopher DeMaci… Policeman

Judy Dixon… Waitress

Lawrence Robert Duff… Mr. Brewer
Scott Frazelle… Mr. Malloy
Will Green… CSI Printman
Jason Guess… CSI Photographer

Sherman Kew… Bob Hannah’s son

Tammy Klein… Mrs. Brewer

David G. Larmore… Security Stan
Paul Lauden… Reporter
Anna Lerbom… Dead Mother
James Lovejoy… Detective

Greg Markles… Patrolman Crow
Dave Romano… Dead Father
Kinner Shah… CSI Detective
Don Tran… Bouncer
William Waters… Homeless man
Matthew Wilson… Policeman
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